start with a 14-Day Free Trial

The best investment you'll make in your business all month

Flat-rate pricing that doesn't penalize you for growing your business

Our most popular plan


79 /mo

Perfect if you don't run paid ads and just need accurate tracking

Start for free
  • Up to 10,000 Clicks /mo
  • TrueTracking® Platform
  • Real-Time Stats & Reports
  • Basic Bot Filtering
  • Shopify Companion App
  • 1 Website or Ecom Store
  • 1 Team Member
  • 6-Month Data Retention
  • Basic Online Support

Our most popular plan


299 /mo

Need more? Get everything in Standard, plus ...

Start for free
  • Up to 1,000,000 Clicks /mo
  • Unlimited Websites or Stores
  • Unlimited Team Members
  • Unlimited Ad Accounts
  • Need more than 1M clicks?

Over 122,000 accounts created worldwide

“Since 2014, over 100,000 entrepreneurs and small businesses have used ClickMagick to track and improve their online marketing. Take it for a spin, experience our fanatical support, and you'll love it too... I guarantee it.”

Patrick Kelly, Founder