The answers you're looking for
If your question isn't answered below, please reach out and we'll get right back to you.
There's a ton of bad info out there, and we promise to give it to you straight.
Why ClickMagick
Why do I even need ClickMagick — can't I rely on the ad networks or my funnel builder?
Ad network tracking is crippled by short attribution windows, estimated and delayed data, “greedy attribution,” ad blockers, iOS “do not track” and other privacy initiatives.
If you'd like to learn more, please see the more detailed article below:
Why can't I rely on the stats in my ad platforms?
When it comes to the other marketing apps you use ...
A lot of these apps are very good at what they do, but for them tracking is just an afterthought. Quite frankly, their "tracking" isn't even in the same universe as ClickMagick. It's like comparing a Honda Civic to a Rolls-Royce.
For example, if someone opts-in to your list twice using different emails, your funnel builder is going to show two new users on your list when it's really just one — clearly not what you want from an analytics standpoint.
The bottom line is that when it comes to data that'll actually help you grow your business ...
What ClickMagick reveals is infinitely more accurate and more useful than what you'll see in the other apps you use.
Okay, but doesn't "server-side tracking" solve all my problems without ClickMagick?
If it did, 1,000s of entrepreneurs and small businesses wouldn't be using ClickMagick to optimize and scale their ads!
While server-side tracking does help improve accuracy by getting around ad blockers and most iOS tracking issues, it doesn't solve the real problem.
The real problem is that with server-side tracking you're still relying on your ad network's tracking and attribution ...
And both the Facebook Pixel and Google Tracking Tag have unfixable problems that result in inaccurate tracking.
We've written an entire article about his and you can learn more at the link below ...
Why is accurate tracking just as important as my ads themselves?
Most advertisers spend a good amount of time and resources testing and tweaking their ads in an attempt to improve ad performance and lower ad costs ...
But don't realize that accurate tracking and attribution is just as important as the ads themselves.
Without accurate ad tracking and conversion attribution, you simply don't know what's working and what's not. This makes it impossible to optimize your ad copy and creatives in any meaningful way.
And to make matters worse, if you don't do something to fix your tracking problem your ad networks will just continue to use the bad data they have to try to optimize your ads ...
Which means less customers for you, and lower quality customers at a higher cost.
ClickMagick fixes both of these problems for you.
And what if I don't run paid ads?
Your social media posts, YouTube videos, influencer marketing, emails ... even if you don't run paid ads you still need to accurately track it all if you want to grow quickly and efficiently.
ClickMagick reveals every click, every conversion, and every customer journey, exactly as it happened.
You'll know down to the penny how much revenue is generated from every post, email or traffic source, and finally have access to truly accurate metrics like AOV and LTV to help you optimize and grow.
Our Starter plan was created just for you, and provides unbeatable tracking and attribution, real-time stats and actionable reports for all your traffic sources ...
So you can focus on what's working, and stop doing the rest.
Getting Started
Will ClickMagick work with my online store, sales funnel or website?
Yes, yes and yes!
ClickMagick works with any type of ecommerce store, sales funnel or website.
So what exactly can I track and optimize with ClickMagick?
With ClickMagick you can accurately track and optimize all your paid ads and other online promotions.
You can track your ads, or any traffic source. You can track your social media activity. You can track your emails. And you can even track events on your own site — for example a user clicking a specific button on a page.
Every click. Every conversion. Every customer journey inbetween. Exactly as it happened.
And then we give you all the stats and reports you need to really know what's working and what's not, down to the penny, for every traffic source, ad campaign, and even individual ads and keywords.
ClickMagick reveals your true conversion rates, net profit, average order value, return on ad spend ...
And also gives you real-time, on-demand reports that show you things like your best and worst performing ads, how long it takes to convert clicks to sales, customer lifetime value and tons more.
Finally, ClickMagick Audience Optimization™ allows you to supercharge your ad networks' AI ad optimization algorithms by automatically sending them your actual conversion data in real-time.
It even leverages first-party data collected on your site, which results in the absolute best "match scores" possible.
You probably don't care about all the technical details, but the end result is more customers for you — and better customers — at the lowest cost possible.
Not only that, but you can also optimize your ads for any goal or conversion type you want.
For example, our competitors only allow you to send your sales back to your ad networks for ad optimization. But with ClickMagick you can also optimize for opt-ins, info requests, or anything else you can dream up.
How quickly can I set up and integrate ClickMagick into my business?
To get started with ClickMagick you just need to add the TrueTracking® code to your store or webpages, and add industry-standard UTM parameters to your URLs if you aren’t already using them.
We have tutorials showing how to do this with all popular ecom platforms, page builders and ad networks, and this whole process shouldn’t take more than 10-20 minutes if you’re comfortable with this type of thing.
If you’re brand new to online marketing and have never done any of this before, it will certainly take you a bit longer — but we have lots of tutorials and we make it as easy as possible for you.
Using some of our more advanced features does require a bit more set up, but here at ClickMagick we’re known for our Fanatical Support ...
And between our Live Chat, Helpdesk, and even “done with you” support, we’ve got you covered!
Okay, but what if I have a really complicated or custom set up?
Our team of real marketers has decades of digital marketing experience.
We’ve helped over 100,000 performance marketers, affiliates, ecommerce stores and small businesses of all types to track and optimize their online marketing and we’ve seen every setup imaginable.
So regardless of the type of store, sales funnel or website you have there’s no one more qualified to help than ClickMagick. We obsess over tracking, so you don't have to.
ClickMagick Highlights
How does ClickMagick's accuracy compare to other solutions?
Ad networks generally misattribute, or even completely miss, between 30-50% of your conversions.
And tracking is just an afterthought with the other marketing apps you use — like your funnel builder or CRM or eCom platform — so you can't rely on them for accurate attribution or stats either.
On the other hand, ClickMagick users generally see between 97-99% accuracy. Where you fall in that range depends on your exact tech stack, but the good news is that it doesn't really matter.
When your ad network misattributes 30-50% of your conversions that's a huge problem ...
... but a few untracked conversions here and there aren't going to affect the stats you see in ClickMagick — the stats you rely on to make decisions about your ads and marketing — in any meaningful way.
For example, if your conversion rate is 9.2% and your cost to acquire a customer is $48.24, these numbers aren’t going to change in any statistically significant way whether your tracking accuracy is 97% or 99%.
And no, in case you're wondering, 100% accuracy is simply not possible.
As for our competitors, it's just not technically possible to be “more accurate” than ClickMagick.
So at best their accuracy is on par with ClickMagick — but that's being extremely generous because we've helped more advertisers fix their tracking problems and have more experience than any of our competitors ...
And experience dealing with the almost endless issues that can cause tracking problems is exactly what it takes to build a tracking and attribution solution that is going to be most accurate for most advertisers.
How does Audience Optimization™ help find me more customers at the lowest cost?
As we talk about in the video on our homepage, the major ad networks like Google, Facebook, Microsoft and TikTok misattribute or just completely miss anywhere from 20-50% or more of your conversions.
That means the stats in your ad network accounts are essentially useless, aside from showing your ad costs.
Even worse, the ad network pixels you have on all your pages are actually feeding all of this bad conversion data back to the ad networks, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
So now they’re using this bad data to try to find you new customers ...
Which means their algorithms are going to be a lot less efficient than they should be, and the end result is fewer new customers for you, and at a higher cost for what you do get.
In short, ClickMagick’s Audience Optimization™ fixes this problem.
It automatically sends your actual conversion data back to the ad networks, which allows their algorithms to find you even more and better customers at the absolutely lowest cost possible ...
And this will dramatically increase your profit margins, and make it much easier to scale.
How will ClickMagick’s Click Shield™ help me save money from day one?
Whether it’s your competitors trying to waste your ad budget, “click happy” users who click on your paid ad every time they want to visit your site, or “bots” clicking your ads, click fraud is a huge problem.
And if you’re currently running pay-per-click ads on Google or Bing, ClickMagick’s Click Shield™ is almost guaranteed to save you more than the cost of ClickMagick in your very first month ...
The way it works is that we allow you to set up specific rules to define the type of paid click behavior that’s acceptable to your business, and what’s not.
Anyone who violates these rules is added to a custom "blacklist," which is then used to prevent these users from even seeing your ads, so they can no longer repeatedly click on them and waste your ad budget.
The end result is simple — your conversions stay the same, but your ad spend is guaranteed to go down.
How does ClickMagick protect me from "bots" and other fake clicks?
Depending on the source, experts say “bots” generate 40-50% of all Internet traffic.
Whether it’s something innocent like a search engine spider or “link checker” ...
... or a malicious bot designed to click on ads and waste your money ...
You can't have accurate tracking and stats without best-in-class bot filtering, and ClickMagick TrueTracking® protects your stats and your ad budget better than anyone.
We’ve been in the trenches battling bots as direct response marketers longer than anyone. With billions of clicks processed and analyzed, no other bot filtering system even comes close.
And that's why only ClickMagick can filter out 99% of all bot and other fake clicks, resulting in the "cleanest" and most accurate stats possible.
Here’s a simple test you can do yourself right now ...
Take one of the URLs you’re promoting and paste it into just about any other tool. For example, paste the URL into slack or just post it on Facebook.
As soon as you do, their bots will generate a “click” to your URL to test it.
Then go check your stats in your current tracking system ...
It will almost certainly show that as a real click, which means your stats aren’t even remotely accurate.
What about things like Cross-Device and Offline Sales Tracking ... is it hard to set up?
Not only are these things not hard to set up, but you literally don't have to do anything at all. Once you install the ClickMagick tracking code it all just works!
I’ve heard your support is amazing. How do you do it?
We know you’re going to get stuck at times, and you’re going to need help.
And that’s why we offer live chat support, and even Zoom support if necessary — so you can get your issue resolved quickly and get back to work growing your business and making money.
Even for the most complex issues which require opening a ticket in our Helpdesk, we’ll always get back to you within a few hours at most (usually it’s just an hour or so).
We know how frustrating it is when you submit a support ticket and wait 24 or 48 hours, and then when you finally get a reply it doesn’t even actually help you ...
And that’s totally unacceptable to us. Our mission is to give you real solutions that get you unstuck fast.
Oftentimes, we’ll even shoot a custom video, just for you, that walks you through the entire solution.
This will almost certainly be the best support you’ve ever received, from any company you’ve ever done business with — because our team consists of real marketers with years of experience — not low-paid, outsourced “customer support” reps who’ve never been in the trenches.
ClickMagick vs. Others
How does Ecom Store Tracking + CAPI compare to ClickMagick?
We ended up writing an entire article about this. Discover the truth at the link below ...
How does Facebook Pixel Tracking compare to ClickMagick?
We ended up writing an entire article about this. Discover the truth at the link below ...
How does Funnel Builder Tracking + CAPI compare to ClickMagick?
We ended up writing an entire article about this. Discover the truth at the link below ...
How does Funnel Builder Tracking + CAPI compare to ClickMagick?
How does Google Analytics/GA4 compare to ClickMagick?
We ended up writing an entire article about this. Discover the truth at the link below ...
How does Google Tag Tracking compare to ClickMagick?
We ended up writing an entire article about this. Discover the truth at the link ...
How does Hyros compare to ClickMagick?
We ended up writing an entire article about this. Discover the truth at the link below ...
How does Server-Side Tracking compare to ClickMagick?
We ended up writing an entire article about this. Discover the truth at the link below ...
Why is ClickMagick so affordable compared to other options?
We’re so focused on building an amazing product that we made the mistake of setting our initial pricing way too low in 2014. Then we didn’t increase our prices as we added more features, and more value.
But over the past 18 months we’ve been slowing increasing our prices to better reflect the value that ClickMagick provides (our closest competitors start at $400-500+ a month), and will continue to do so going forward.
ClickMagick will never cost that much, and we’ll never charge you based on your number of contacts or the amount of your ad spend like some of our competitors because we think that’s just unreasonable ...
But if you want to take advantage of our mistake, sign up today and you can lock in these low prices.
iOS Tracking Issues
Is ClickMagick affected by iOS privacy changes or Intelligent Tracking Prevention?
Nope, not at all. ClickMagick TrueTracking™ uses no redirects and only first-party cookies on your own domain. That means it is not, and cannot be blocked by iOS.
Even better, ClickMagick Campaigns with Audience Optimization™ automatically sends your actual conversion data back to the major ad networks — using Facebook’s Conversion API, and Google’s new “WBRAID” tracking parameter for example — resulting in improved optimization and increased ad performance.
When it comes to privacy, the big “fight” right now is about tracking everything users do across the entire Internet and then sharing their data across other apps and websites for profit.
Here at ClickMagick we have nothing to do with any of that. ClickMagick helps you track your own advertising and the traffic to your own website, which is something you have a fundamental right to do.
What should I know about tracking iOS users and Google Ads?
There’s a massive amount of confusion among digital marketers right now regarding how the recent and ongoing iOS privacy-related changes affect Google Ad tracking and ad optimization.
Here’s all you really need to know ...
As you can read about in the comparison of Google Tag tracking with ClickMagick, the stats in your Google Ads account have never been accurate, they will never be accurate, and you should never rely on them.
The whole iOS situation has just made things even worse, to the point where the conversion stats in your Google Ads account are effectively useless.
The key is to simply acknowledge this and find a better solution.
ClickMagick will instantly solve your Google Ads tracking problems, and you can literally forget about the whole thing.
We’ll even send your iOS conversions back to Google using their new “WBRAID” parameter, which will allow Google to optimize your ads for iOS users a lot better than they can with the bad data they have.
And the end result for you is more high-quality customers, at the lowest cost possible.
What should I know about tracking iOS users and Facebook Ads?
There’s a massive amount of confusion among digital marketers right now regarding how the recent and ongoing iOS privacy-related changes affect Facebook Ad tracking and ad optimization.
Here’s all you really need to know ...
As you can read about in the comparison of Facebook Pixel Tracking with ClickMagick, the stats in your Facebook Ads account have never been accurate, they will never be accurate, and you should never rely on them.
The whole iOS situation has just made things even worse, to the point where the conversion stats in your Facebook Ads account are literally useless ...
And Facebook alone can no longer effectively optimize your ads for iOS users.
The good news is that ClickMagick can instantly solve your Facebook Ads tracking problems ...
And while your competitors are wasting a whole bunch of time and resources trying to solve an unsolvable problem, you can forget about the whole thing forever.
ClickMagick Audience Optimization™ will automatically send your accurate conversion data back to Facebook, leveraging first-party data from your site, which restores their ability to optimize your ads for iOS users — even in the absence of a Facebook Click ID if iOS users choose not to be tracked.
And the end result for you is more high-quality customers, at the lowest cost possible.
Over 122,000 accounts created worldwide
“It's not often that I'm blown away by a company - especially an internet marketing company. This is a company that actually
listens to it's customers, and makes constant improvements based on the actual needs of the customer.”
Ryan Even
“Something I really like about Clickmagick is the user interface. It is very clear and easy to navigate. And the URL
Builder makes setting up google ad campaigns a breeze. Clickmagick has made a huge difference in my business for tracking
and optimizing my profitability, ad performance and landing page success all in one cohesive dashboard.”
Benjamin McIntosh
“I'm not exaggerating one bit when I say ClickMagick is one of our most-loved apps we've ever used at our business,
and it has really helped us to take things to the next level. You have managed to take things that drove us crazy — tracking,
split-testing, etc. — and made them easier and more effective than ever!”
Mike Cooch
“I can't speak highly enough about how good and helpful ClickMagick is across the board. From the overall product, it's
usability and functionality, the mobile app, everything hits the mark. But the one thing that especially exceeds my expectations
is the support ... the team's quality of service and willingness to help is something to seriously celebrate.”
Matthew Miceli
“The support is outstanding. In terms of my business, I'm delighted with the results. With ClickMagick I can now see every step a
prospect takes on their way to becoming a buyer, and I'm able to target my ad spend to the ad sets and creatives that are actually
generating buyers. And the impact of this is enourmous. I highly recommend both the platform and the outstanding support team.”
Barbara Decker
“I'm a big fan of ClickMagick. Flat monthly rate not based on revenue, you don't have to hop on a sales call and I found the event
match quality for the Conversions API to be great. I have it configured for a GHL funnel with order bumps, upsells and downsells. It's been
great for optimizing our pixel with accurate attribution and helping us create more winning ads. The dashboard and reports are also easy to
to use.”
Matt Cox
“ClickMagick has really helped me take my business to the next level. It's incredibly easy to use, has some awesome
one-of-a-kind features, and I have received very prompt and friendly support when needed. I recommend ClickMagick to everyone.”
Jan Brzeski
“I've used other attribution tools including some quite expensive ones (Hyros). ClickMagick not only does it better and cheaper,
but their support is phenomenal and they genuinely care about getting my tracking right. Highly recommended!”
Michael Joseph
“I would say this is the one tool that's irreplaceable in my business. It gives me a great overview of what's working and
what's not working. The support is top notch. If you have an issue you'll hear back sometimes within minutes, always very quickly,
and always with an accurate and useful answer. I highly recommend it.”
Vince Czaplyski
“ClickMagick is an exceptional tool for tracking Google Ads campaigns. The platform has not only streamlined my tracking
process but has also provided invaluable insights that have helped optimize my marketing efforts.”
Mattia Scattolin
“After generating millions of dollars online, I've seen what works and what doesn't. And for a very long time I struggled
with the techie stuff that usually comes with tracking ... But I can confidently say ClickMagick is by far the most accurate, fun
and simple way to track your clicks — with all the advanced features you'll ever need. This is a MUST HAVE tool.”
Shaqir Hussyin
“The customer support have gone above and beyond for me. Just in terms of helping me set everything up. They go in to so
much detail, they really know their stuff, and can help to simplify tracking and attribution - which as we all know can be
quite a daunting task. The ClickMagick team obviously really care about their customers.”
Silas Haigh
“Since I started my business back in 2016, ClickMagick has hands down been my most valued resource. Being able to pinpoint
which ads are generating conversions has helped reduce advertising costs and optimize different sales campaigns to help keep my
business thriving. I couldn't imagine running my business without ClickMagick.”
Richard Fronek
“I have found ClickMagick to be an invaluable tool in building my business online. If you're not using ClickMagick you
definitely should because it will really help you scale your business, and it's the most affordable solution of its kind.”
Dana Beck
“The feature I love most is the real-time tracking — this is a game-changer because it allows me to quickly spot
underperforming campaigns and landing pages and make adjustments on the fly. Another huge benefit is the purchase data integration
with Facebook and YouTube, which helps to optimize my campaigns faster and increase my ROI significantly.”
Sean Park
“I've used lots of different tracking tools in the past, and nothing compares to ClickMagick. It's got an extremely easy to
use interface. Everything is laid out right there in front of you with just a few clicks. With ClickMagick, tracking is just 100
times easier and more efficient.”
Chuck Nguyen
“Let me tell you this is an awesome tracking app. ClickMagick is one-of-a-kind because not only does it track everything,
very accurately, but it also gives you lots of extra tools that no other tracking software has out there. I definitely recommend it,
and I'm going to be using it for a long, long time.”
Jay Anello
“ClickMagick is hands down the best tracking software I've ever used. It's incredibly accurate, easy to use and packed with
powerful features ... has been a game changer. And the customer support is top notch.”
Zach Withey
“I always thought, when I create my own company, I'm going to make sure the support is spot on, because there's nothing worse
than bad support. ClickMagick's team must live in the support desk because you always get a competent answer, you don't have to keep
going back and forth, and you get help fast every single time.”
Mark Tetzner
“ClickMagick is awesome. Their support is top notch too as they actually do listen to your feedback, and they are constantly
adding new features on a monthly basis. All in all, highly recommended for newbies AND advanced users.”
John Lee
“ClickMagick is by far the best ad tracker on the market. The creators of the software are constantly taking
suggestions and implementing upgrades. It was super easy to switch from my old tracking software to ClickMagick.
This is a great product and I recommend it to anyone looking for a tracking solution.”
Josh Hundsrucker
“ClickMagick tracks every click with unparalleled accuracy, filters out bad traffic, and optimizes conversions effortlessly. The
ability to track every user's journey across multiple channels has been a game-changer for my ad spend efficiency.”
Ken Rigby
“I'm beyond grateful to be using ClickMagick. It's exactly what I had been looking for. What really separates
ClickMagick from the other services is the great level of feedback that is accepted. I've suggested several features
and they've implemented them quickly. Do your business a favor and sign up. Like... now.”
Edward Galstyan
“ClickMagick is an awesome tracking service that helps you to track your ads and focus on where your most profitable clicks are coming
from. This has been a game-changer for me, and the support is awesome as well. I would recommend ClickMagick to any serious marketer who is
wanting to take their online business to the next level. This is the real deal.”
Carlos Sanchez
“ClickMagick provides me with the data I need to make informed decisions and truly understand what's working in my campaigns. Plus, it's
split-testing capabilities are incredibly user-friendly and effective, allowing me to optimize with ease to gain the greatest ROI
possible. I can't recommend it enough.”