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How do I set up Audience Optimization for TikTok Ads?

Before you get started, you'll want to make sure you've completed your Campaigns tracking setup.

There’s just a few steps to set up Audience Optimization for TikTok, and if you’re familiar with the TikTok Ads interface it shouldn’t take long at all ...

Step 1 – Create a new TikTok Pixel

In your TikTok Ads account head to Tools, then Events and then click on "Manage” under Web Events.

Create a new pixel, give your pixel a name and select Events API, then click Next:


Under Installation Type, select “Manually Set Up Events API”

Caution: Do not, under any circumstances, add this new pixel to your website. If you do, it will become corrupted with bad data, and you’ll have to start over from scratch.

Step 2 –  Integrate your TikTok Ads account with ClickMagick

Head to the Integrations page, and you'll see the option to log in with TikTok.


Follow the prompt and click “Confirm” to continue and select the ad account you want to integrate. Make sure to select all check boxes as shown in the image below.



Step 3 – Add your TikTok Pixel to ClickMagick

Head on over to the Audience Optimization Page and select TikTok Ads

Toggle the enable option and select the Advertiser Account, the new pixel you created and the Event name most appropriate for the conversions you'll be sending to TikTok.

Enter the URL of your homepage and submit the form, and you're done with the integration.


Note: We’ll always pass the URL where a conversion occurred to TikTok’s API when one is available. When no URL is available — for example if you’re tracking affiliate sales via Postbacks — we’ll simply pass the Website URL you entered when you saved your pixel settings. If you want ClickMagick to always send the Website URL you entered, simply enable that option.
Tip: While you can technically send Action, Engagement and Sales conversions to your pixel, TikTok only allows you to select a single event to optimize for.

So for example if you know you’re only ever going to optimize for Sales, there’s really no benefit in sending Action or Engagement conversions to your pixel.

You can however add as many TikTok Pixels as you want to ClickMagick, and use Advanced rules to determine which conversions to send to which pixels.

Step 4 – Capture and Send Visitor Info with your TikTok Conversions

iOS users who opt out of tracking can no longer be individually tracked by TikTok Ads – and this means their ad optimization algorithms don’t work as well as they used to.

To solve this problem, ClickMagick can capture first-party data collected on your site and pass it to TikTok Ads with your conversions to generate the absolute highest event match scores possible.

If you haven’t already, follow the steps in this article to allow ClickMagick to capture your visitors’ info:

How do I capture visitor info from forms on my site in ClickMagick?

TikTok only requires the addition of a visitor’s email address or phone number to achieve the best event matching they are capable of, and ClickMagick will automatically send this info with each conversion if it’s available.

Article 929 Last updated: 05/25/2024 12:59:53 PM