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Is it possible to achieve 100% tracking accuracy?

No, 100% accuracy isn’t possible over a large number of conversions. You may get lucky and see 100% accuracy in the short term, but some conversions just can’t be tracked by ClickMagick or any other tracking software.

The good news is that this is nothing to stress about. Keep reading to learn more …

Can you provide an example of a sale that can’t be tracked properly?

1. Someone is at work on their lunch break surfing the web. They click one of your ads and land on your website or store.

2. This person – who has never bought from you before – decides to buy something from you, but for any number of reasons they can’t complete the purchase immediately while at work.

3. Later that night, on their home computer, they enter the URL of your store into their browser and buy something.

This sale simply cannot be tracked back to the original ad click.

And because they accessed your site directly at home, without any tracking parameters in the URL or click history on their home computer, the sale cannot be attributed to anything other than an organic click.

This is the case no matter what tracking software you’re using. And there are lots of other scenarios like this as well.

Why should I not worry if my tracking accuracy isn’t 100%?

ClickMagick is not your CRM or accounting system. The purpose of ClickMagick is to help you optimize and improve your ads and other online promotions. And your ability to do this isn’t affected one bit if a few conversions aren’t tracked.

The simple truth is that even if a small percentage of your sales aren’t tracked, it’s not going to affect the stats you rely on to make decisions about your ads and marketing in any statistically significant way.

If your conversion rate is 9.2% and your cost to acquire a customer from a particular traffic source is $48.24 for example, these numbers aren’t going to change in any meaningful way if you’re only able to track 97 out of every 100 sales.

How can I prove this to myself with my calculator?

Run a report in ClickMagick and note your AOV for example – the sum of your revenue divided by the number of sales.

Then, using the raw data that ClickMagick makes available in your logs, manually compute your AOV using a calculator while purposely excluding a few orders.

The difference will be tiny, and certainly not statistically significant, which means you don’t have to stress about it.

What can I do to increase my tracking accuracy?

Most “missed” sales occur when people switch devices between clicking your ad and making a purchase …

So the number one thing you can do is try to get them to opt-in and give you their email address as early as possible in your sales funnel. This will allow “cross device tracking” to automatically detect them even if they purchase on another device with no tracked click history for example.

Many affiliates are at a big disadvantage here if they are simply redirecting people to affiliate offers …

And affiliates will see a meaningful increase in tracking accuracy, and the success of their affiliate marketing business as a whole, if they offer something of value in exchange for the visitor’s email before presenting any affiliate offers to them.

If a few missed conversions don’t matter, when should I be concerned?

That’s a pretty tough question for us to answer. It really depends on your business, how you’re advertising, what you’re selling or promoting, your ad and product costs, and many other factors.

Technically, you should only be concerned if the conversions not being tracked are actually affecting the overall accuracy of the stats you’re using to make important marketing decisions. This is almost never the case.

The best advice we can give you is to do the simple exercise above and manually compute a few of your stats, purposely excluding a small number of conversions, and see if the resulting stat is affected in a meaningful way.

And if it is, just get in touch and we’ll do our best to help you improve your tracking accuracy as much as possible.

While 100% accuracy isn’t possible, there’s nothing more accurate than ClickMagick when set up and used correctly.

Article 922 Last updated: 05/19/2024 5:38:10 AM