What should I know about how ad network ad optimization works?
We’ve noticed some users seem to stress about making sure that every single conversion is sent to their ad networks when they’re first setting things up, and we want you to know this isn’t necessary or useful.
For example, if you had some type of initial problem with your setup that caused a few conversions to not be sent, it’s really not something you need to worry about at all.
Think of it like this ...
If you wanted to flip a coin a bunch of times to determine the percentage of times it came up heads versus tails, it wouldn’t matter if you flipped the coin 97 or 100 times – the end result would be about 50/50.
It’s a very simplistic example, but it’s the same when it comes to ad optimization …
Ad networks use the data we send them on your behalf, in aggregate, to develop “profiles” over time of people who are most likely to engage with your business. The key is “over time”, and using a lot of data, not any specific conversion.
Each time we send a conversion with more data to your ad network they have just a tiny bit more data to work with, but it makes absolutely no difference if any specific conversion is not sent, due to an initial setup problem for example.
Article 891 Last updated: 05/25/2024 2:07:40 PM https://www.clickmagick.com/kb/?article=891