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What is Facebook’s FBCLID value?

FBCLIDs, or Facebook Click Identifiers, are tracking parameters added by Facebook to outbound links on Facebook.

There’s a common misconception among marketers that if a click has an FBCLID associated with it, that means someone clicked on their Facebook Ad, but that’s not actually true.

FBCLIDs are added to all outgoing clicks on Facebook, and now that Facebook owns Instagram, they are also added to all outgoing clicks on Intagram as well.

This explains another common misconception that when it comes to Facebook ad optimization, and sending conversions back to Facebook, that the FBCLID is the most important thing they use to try to match an event to a Facebook user.

It’s actually not at all, with things like IP, browser user agent, and email all being much more important than the FBCLID.

Article 890 Last updated: 07/17/2023 10:43:18 AM