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How can I track the referring site in Campaigns?

Say you’re advertising on the Microsoft Ads partner network – which includes sites like,, and – and you want to analyze your results by the referring site.

Unfortunately, Microsoft Ads doesn’t share this information with you. And if you try to use the Microsoft Ads {Network} token, it will simply reveal that the click came from their partner network.

Fortunately, ClickMagick provides the _REFERER_ token that you can use in your UTM-powered URLs to get this information. You can also use _REFERRER_ if you prefer as both spellings are supported.

So just set any UTM value equal to this token e.g. utm_content=_REFERER_ and when your link or ad is clicked the referrer token will be replaced with the domain of the referring site. Voila!

Article 874 Last updated: 09/13/2023 5:16:39 PM