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What should I know if I want to split test a landing page?

If you want to split test the traffic you’re getting from the major ad networks like Facebook, Google and Microsoft Ads, your first instinct might be to use the split testing feature of ClickMagick as you normally would.

Unfortunately, the ad policies of the major ad networks require that the Final URL in your ad always match the URL that your visitors land on, which effectively prohibits the normal methods of split testing.

You can use ClickMagick to split test your landing pages with other traffic sources, and you can always split test pages in the middle of your funnel with ClickMagick, but just to be clear ...

If you show different pages to different people who click your ads on the major ad networks you are violating their policies and will be at risk of having your ad account shut down.

The compliant way to do split testing with the major ad networks is to use their ad rotation feature.

Here’s the basic idea:
1.    Create your ad.
2.    Duplicate the ad in the same ad group, once for each of the different landing pages that you want to split test.
3.    Change the Final URL in each duplicated ad to point at a different landing page, using different utm values so that you can distinguish between the pages in Campaigns.
4.    Use the Facebook, Google or Microsoft Ads rotation feature to show the different ad variations and allow those tools to optimize based on results.
To learn how to set up the Facebook, Google and Microsoft Ads rotation settings, please see these articles:

A/B Test Types Available on Facebook

Article 796 Last updated: 12/08/2022 9:49:02 AM