1. | Set up your landing page to use Campaigns by making sure you have your Click Tracking Code on your landing page. For steps on how to set up Campaigns with your landing page, checkout the article below: How to track affiliate sales using a landing page? |
2. | Set up your UTM powered URL that you will use in RevContent and then set it as the URL to send traffic to. |
identifies the Topic where click came from |
numerical identifier of the campaign clicked on |
numerical identifier of the content clicked on |
city of the user clicking on the content |
state of the user clicking on the content |
country of the user clicking on the content |
numerical identifier of the widget the click occurred on |
Others | Click here for RevContent's full set of parameters |
3. | In your RevContent account, you’ll want to navigate to the Campaigns Settings. Scroll down until you see “UTM Tracking” then click on the Gear Icon and add Custom Key Value Pairs. Custom Key: cmc_tid Custom Value: {conversion_uuid} Then click the button to build your tracking code. To create your webhook you’ll need three parameters. Your API access key, a uuid, and an amount. To get your API Access Key, head to your account settings and scroll down the page until you see Widget API Key: Save this key |
4. | Open the Webhooks tool by clicking on “Webhooks” in the Campaigns Tools menu. Click “Add Endpoint" to create a new webhook. Choose the project that you're working on, update the utm_source and utm_campaign values from the drop-down menu, then set the Conversion Type to Sales.The URL that you will use for the endpoint is below, but in order for it to work you need to replace <your_api_key> with the API key you saved in the previous step.https://trends.revcontent.com/api/v1/conversion.php?api_key=<your_api_key>&uuid=[cmc_tid]&amount=[cmc_amt] Paste your updated URL into the Endpoint URL box. |
5. | Click on Add Endpoint. |
1. | Set up your landing page that you’ll use with Taboola. |
2. | Set up your campaign and ad in Taboola, and then send traffic to the URL ending with UTM parameters:https://example.com?utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=native&utm_campaign=example&cmc_tid={click_id} {click_id} is the unique Taboola token that ClickMagick will send back to them in the webhook payload.Note: You can use any combination of UTM parameters you want, but you must make one of them use the Taboola token mentioned above.
4. | Open the Webhooks tool by clicking on “Webhooks” in the Campaigns Tools menu. Click “Add Endpoint" to create a new webhook. Choose the project that you're working on, update the utm_source and utm_campaign values from the drop-down menu, then set the Conversion Type to Sales. Set the Endpoint URL to: For Actions: https://trc.taboola.com/actions-handler/log/3/s2s-action?click-id=[cmc_tid]&name=your_conversion_name For Engagements: https://trc.taboola.com/actions-handler/log/3/s2s-action?click-id=[cmc_tid]&name=your_conversion_name For Sales: https://trc.taboola.com/actions-handler/log/3/s2s-action?click-id=[cmc_tid]&name=your_conversion_name&revenue=[cmc_amt] Be sure to replace your_conversion_name with the name of the conversion you created in Taboola. |
5. | Click on Add Endpoint. |
1. | Open your campaign settings by clicking on the “gear” icon to the right of your campaign in the campaign list. Next, scroll down to the “Conversion Sensors” section. For reference, the next 3 steps are numbered in this screenshot: |
2. | Make sure that “MGID CONVERSION TRACKING” is set to ON. |
3. | For the “Goal Type”, select “POSTBACK”. If you are asked to set a value. Enter this:click_id={click_id} Click “OK”. |
4. | In the box where it says “Event name”, enter something unique that relates to this campaign in some way. For example, if you’re selling golf clubs, you might use “golfclubs”. If that’s not unique enough, add some random numbers on the end such as “golfclubs82573”. Use only letters and numbers and be extra careful to not use any spaces in this name. Write down or copy exactly what you just entered in the “Event name” field. You will need this in just a minute when you set up your webhook in ClickMagick. |
5. | Double-check all your settings and click the Save button. |
1. | Create a UTM Powered link for your landing page you’d like to promote. You want the cmc_tid to be {click_id} It should look something like this: https://example.com/?utm_source=mgid&utm_medium=native&utm_campaign=example&cmc_tid={click_id} Note: You can use any combination of UTM parameters you want, but you must use the
cmc_tid for the MGID token mentioned above. |
2. | Open the Webhooks tool by clicking on “Webhooks” in the Campaigns Tools menu. Click “Add Endpoint" to create a new webhook. Choose the project that you're working on, update the utm_source and utm_campaign values from the drop-down menu, then set the Conversion Type to Sales. Set the Endpoint URL to:
Be sure to replace youreventname with the “Event name” you created a moment ago in MGID. For example, if you used “golfclubs82573”, your link would look like this:https://a.mgid.com/postback?c=[cmc_tid]&r=[cmc_amt]&e=golfclubs82573 |
3. | Double-check your settings and save your webhook by clicking Add Endpoint |
1. | Create a UTM Powered URL using the Campaign URL Builder that you’ll use with Outbrain. |
2. | Set up your campaign and ad in Outbrain then add your UTM Powered URL to the URL section of your campaign. You can find this setting by clicking on the Content link right next to the Settings link of the Create Campaign settings: You can add many different URLs to an Outbrain campaign as you’d like. |
3. | Edit your Campaign settings, and scroll down to the Tracking section. In the Tracking Code entry, add the unique click ID token for Outbrain as shown below:
Outbrain will automatically add the actual click ID and send it to ClickMagick. |
5. | Open the Webhooks tool by clicking on “Webhooks” in the Campaigns Tools menu. Click “Add Endpoint" to create a new webhook. Choose the project that you're working on, update the utm_source and utm_campaign values from the drop-down menu, then set the Conversion Type to Sales. Set the Endpoint URL to: For Actions: https://tr.outbrain.com/unifiedPixel?ob_click_id=[cmc_tid]&name=your_conversion_name For Engagements: https://tr.outbrain.com/unifiedPixel?ob_click_id=[cmc_tid]&name=your_conversion_name For Sales: https://tr.outbrain.com/unifiedPixel?ob_click_id=[cmc_tid]&name=your_conversion_name&orderValue=[cmc_amt] Be sure to replace your_conversion_name with the name of the Conversion you created in Outbrain earlier.Click on Add Endpoint. |
as well as the {click_id}
that you will use in the optional cmc_tid
from RTX is going to be passed in the cmc_tid
to be {click_id}
as well as the {click_id}
that you will use in the cmc_tid
from Ad.Style is going to be passed in the cmc_tid
to the cmc_tid
parameter in the URL Builder:https://example.com?utm_source=adstyle&utm_medium=name&utm_campaign=example&cmc_tid={click_id}